Hi I'm Cynthia Marie

"I have to hand it to math as she always continues to evade me.
The more I learn, I feel the thirst to learn more." -Vijay Krishnan

Mathematician Computer Scientist Woman in STEM

About Cynthia Marie

Hi, welcome to my page! My name is Cynthia Marie Rivera Sánchez and I am from Juncos, Puerto Rico. In June 2024, I graduated from the University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras Campus with a Bachelors of Science in Computational Mathematics and Statistics, a second major in Computer Science, and two minors: Cybersecurity and Human Rights. At the moment, I am a Software Engineering Ph.D. student at The University of Texas at Dallas.

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Here are a few of the projects done in some of the courses:


Find here the publications, presentations and collaborators of the researches I have formed part of


Non-universality in clustered ballistic annihilation (ECP, June 2023.)
Faculty author: Matthew Junge
Graduate student author: Lily Reeves
Undergraduate student authors: Arturo Ortiz San Miguel, and Cynthia Rivera Sánchez

People Over Math: A Co-created Principle for Successful Research Communities (MAA Focus, June/July 2022.)
Faculty authors: Rebecca Garcia, Pamela E. Harris, and Dwight Anderson Williams II
Graduate student authors: J. Carlos Martínez Mori and Casandra Monroe
Undergraduate student authors: Tomás Aguilar-Fraga, Yasmin Aguillon, Daniel Alofamoni Quiñonez, Dylan Alvarenga, Aalliyah Celestine, Parneet Gill, Imhotep Hogan, Jakeyl Johnson, Kobe Lawson-Chavanu, Lina Liu, Aaron Ortiz, Lauren Quesada, Cynthia Marie Rivera Sánchez, Christopher Soto, Camelle Tieu, Dirk Tolson III, Jacob van der Leeuw, and Pamela Vargas


Clustered Ballistic Annihilation
NYC Discrte Math REU
Speakers: Arturo Ortiz San Miguel and Cynthia Marie Rivera Sánchez

The Defective Parking Space and Standard Young Tableaux (April 2022)
Joint Mathematics Meeting
Speakers: Aaron Ortiz, Lauren J. Quesada, Cynthia Marie Rivera Sánchez

Orbits of Defective Parking Functions and the Infinity Norm (October 2021)
Sacnas Poster Presentation
Speakers: Cynthia Marie Rivera Sánchez

Distance To A Parking Function (July 2021)
MSRI-UP Parking Functions: Choose your own adventure
Speakers: Aaron Ortiz, Lauren J. Quesada, Cynthia Marie Rivera Sánchez


Tomás Aguilar-Fraga           Yasmin Aguillon                Dylan Alvarenga          Aalliyah Celestine
Rebecca E. Garcia             Parneet Gill                   Pamela E. Harris         Imhotep Hogan
Jakeyl Johson                 Matthew Junge                  Kobe Lawson-Chavanu      Lina Liu
Casandra Monroe               Juan Carlos Martínez Mori      Aaron Ortiz              Arturo Ortiz San Miguel
Lauren Quesada                Daniel Alofamoni Quiñonez      Lily Reeves              Christopher Soto
Camelle Tieu                  Dirk Tolson III                Jacob van der Leeuw      Pamela Vargas
Dwight Anderson Williams II

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